Starting from the Family&Kids Friendly concept applied to the museum, the Fortress of Vinadio has been equipped with some structures and supports that make it particularly kid friendly and welcoming for families.

It is the ideal place to listen to stories, run, give vent to your creativity and also relax! A series of solutions have been deviced to suit various age groups, capable of intriguing and involving even the youngest.
During normal opening hours, families will be able to visit the Fortress by choosing among the following options:
Sua maestà il Forte. Its majesty the Fortress | Children aged 3 to 5
This tour allows you to discover the history and curiosities of this place guided by the silhouettes of the mascot Tino, the Dove Sergeant of the Fortress, along an itinerary full of sensory interactions and with the help of a poster-book that must be made with the origami technique.
The soldier’s diary | Children aged 6 to 12
Tino, the Dove, will accompany the participants along this itinerary up to the room that houses the military dovecote. At the end of the tour, the children will have completed their educational booklet, which is also a travel diary, full of ideas and fun games.
The missing letter | Children aged 12 or more
This very important rescue mission of the Saint Fiorenzo Church is assigned to older kids and only the delivery of a letter to King Charles Albert “in person” will prevent and avoid the worst from happening! This passionate interactive adventure inside the Fortress of Vinadio is made possible thanks to the use of the free Kurubik app: the participants will be involved in a tresure hunt, which will lead them to the final solution of the mistery through different stages.
Just like any suitable place for families, the Fortress has also a space where you can spend some quiet and relaxing time. For this purpose the Neraissa Gate has been equipped as a chill-out area to let children play and help them rest. This is also the ideal place for workshops and birthday parties.
The project Et Voilà! has been designed to grant continuity to Mammamia what a Fortress! With the specific aim to widen the reference target of the Fortress of Vinadio, thus attracting and involving those families with French-speaking children that are in the valley and in the nearby French territory.

Through the implementation of an audience engagement strategy, this project has been developed along three distinctive lines:
Mediation: the development of supports aimed at improving the communication and understanding of the Fortress contents by families with French-speaking children.
The following works have been carried out to develop this project:
- The educational material for families included in the project Mammamia what a Fortress! has been translated and released in French;
- The set up of a service of guided tours in French;
- Implementation of the Fortess signage in French and English as well as the set up of a new website.
Involvement: development of educational activities for families with Frenh-speaking children. Within the two-year project several educational activities and workshops having as their main theme the eco-sustainability and the respect for the environment have been organised for families.
Outreach: strengthening of communication tools aimed at intercepting and attracting families with French-speaking children outside the context of the Fortress.
- Creation of the specific “Et Voilà” brand espressly designed for the reference target;
- Renovation and enhancement of the internet site of the Fortress of Vinadio in Italian, French and English with a section dedicated to families with children;
- Creation of a specific communication campaign throughout the territory of the two valleys.
The two projects Mammamia what a Fortress! and Et Voilà! have been financed by the Fondazione CRC – Bando Musei da Vivere (2018-2019; 2019-2020).
Schools and Summer Camp kids can reach the Fortess of Vinadio by bus. Artea Foundation offers schools of all types and levels in the province of Cuneo a free transport service to come and visit the Albertinian fortress.

Starting from 2017, the Fortress of Vinadio has anticipated the opening of the season to the public by a month, opening its doors on 1st May, instead of on 2nd June as it used to. This decision was made with the intention and desire to bring the school target, which was otherwise penalized, closer to the use and knowledge of the Fortress.
The project Transported through history is aimed at all the schools in Cuneo’s region, and provides a free transport service to Vinadio to come and visit the Fortress . This project was activated thanks to the precious sponsorship contribution made by some local companies.
For the year 2020 and 2021, in addition to the school context, we want to promote the Trasported through History initiative also with Summer Centres and Kids Summer Camps, organised by local parishes and associations.
Sponsor: Michelin Italia s.p.a.
Technical Sponsor: Merlo Viaggi sas.
5 transport services with 50-seater coaches were made available
Sponsor: Michelin Italia s.p.a.; O.ME.C Impianti
Technical Sponsor: Merlo Viaggi sas.; Fonti di Vinadio S.p.a.
With the contribution of: Municipality of Vinadio
20 transport services with 50-seater coaches were made available
Sponsor: Michelin Italia Spa; O.ME.C Sas; Idroricerche Srl
Technical Sponsor: Merlo Viaggi Sas; Fonti di Vinadio Spa
With the support of: BBNetworks; Cuny Fire Service Srl; Gonella Lorenzo
30 transport services with 50-seater coaches were made available
Year 2018
I.C. Borgo San Giuseppe – Primary school of Madonna delle Grazie.
I.C. di Borgo San Giuseppe – Primary school of Bombonina.
ENAIP – Professional school Operator of the promotion and reception service.
I.C. Bra 1 – Primary school E. Mosca di Bra.
I.C. Cuneo Oltrestura – Primary school of Passatore
Year 2019
I.C. Viale Angeli Cuneo – Branch via Bersezio.
I.C. di Verzuolo – Branch of Villanovetta.
I.C. Cuneo via Sobrero – Playschool N. Ghigliano.
I.C. Borgo San Giuseppe di Cuneo – Primary school of Castellino di Spinetta.
I.C. Cuneo via Sobrero.
I.I.S. Umberto I di Alba – Agricultural school of Verzuolo.
I.C. Oltrestura – Scuola dell’infanzia Cerialdo, Confreria, Ronchi.
I.C. Borgo San Giuseppe – Playschool of Castelletto Stura.
I.C. Borgo San Giuseppe di Cuneo – Primary school of Tetto Canale.
I.C. A. Vassallo di Boves.
I.C. Sacco di Fossano – Primary school Primo Levi.
Playschool Sorelle Beltru San Rocco di Bernezzo.
I.C Cuneo via Sobrero – Branch Einaudi.
I.C. Viale Angeli Cuneo – School Lidia Rolfi Beccaria.
I.C San Benigno – Primary school of Ronchi, Roata Rossi, San Benigno.
I.C. Borgo San Dalmazzo – Playschool via Monte Rosa.
I.C. di Saluzzo – Primary school Francesco Costa.
I.C. di Demonte – Playschool Piano Quinto.
I.C. Oltrestura Cuneo – Middle school of Madonna dell’Olmo.
Three cultural places have opened their doors to the business world. This is the concept of Corporate Asset People: culture to promote corporate well-being, because people are the true assets of every company.

The Corporate Asset People project, launched in 2018, is carried out thanks to the contribution of the CRC Foundation (Bando Musei Aperti 2017) by the Roccolo Castle Association, in collaboration with the Spinning Factory of Caraglio Foundation, the Municipality of Vinadio and Artea Foundation of the Fortress of Vinadio, in addition to the patronage of the City of Busca and the Municipality of Caraglio.
During the second year of this project, the technical partnership with the Piedmont Hangar of the Piedmont Live Foundation continued.
The three-year project aims to experiment with forms of communication and interaction between the world of culture and the business one.
The title of the project itself recalls the design theme: cultural asset and ‘human resources’. Employees and collaborators are a fundamental part of a company as with their daily work they implement entrepreneurial values.
“Corporate Asset People” unites three cultural assets in Cuneo’s province: the Fortress of Vinadio, the Roccolo Castle of Busca and the Spinning Factory of Caraglio in order to enhance communication and offer the public the opportunity to choose among different experiences and places to visit.